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HomeConstitution & Bylaws

CONSTITUTION     Amended 11/16/2018

Article I   Name, Structure, and Affiliations

Section 1. 
The name of this society shall be the Lubbock Gem and Mineral Society.


Section 2. 
The duration of the Society shall be perpetual, and it shall be a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, and the United States of America recognized under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.  It is recognized as an Exempt Corporation by the State of Texas, File Number 0053968801 and Taxpayer Number  17517468678.  The fiscal year will begin on January 1st and will end on December 31st.


Section 3. 
This organization shall be affiliated with the South Central Federation of Mineral
Societies, Inc., which is affiliated with the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc.


Section 4.
Parliamentary procedure for the conduction of meetings of the Society shall conform to Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.



Article II   Purpose

Section 1. 
The purpose of this Society shall be:
To bring about a closer association of those persons interested in the earth sciences and lapidary arts.

(2.)To increase, document, and disseminate knowledge about geological materials, including rocks, minerals, gems, fossils, and historic and modern cultural lithic artifacts.

(3.)To encourage the study, collecting, and display of rocks, minerals, gems, fossils, artifacts, and the performance of lapidary and jewelry arts.

(4.)To provide guidance, education, and information; share ideas and techniques; and assist in the development and refinement of skills through the combined resources, knowledge, and experience of the Society’s Members.

(5.)To conduct appropriate meetings and field trips.

(6.)To sponsor public shows, displays, and educational programs.

(7.)To publish a Society Newsletter each month.


Article III   Membership

Section 1.
(1.)  Membership in the Society shall be open to persons interested in rocks, minerals, fossils, gems, artifacts, collecting, displaying, lapidary and jewelry arts.
(2.)  The Society prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability.               


Section 2.
There shall be three (3) types of membership; Regular, Student, and Honorary.
(1.)  Membership requirements of a Regular Member shall be contingent upon being an adult, not being qualified for Student Member, and payment of the required dues.
(2.) Membership requirements of a Student Member shall be contingent upon being a student in any school, college, or university or a home-schooled student and payment of the required dues.
(3.) Honorary membership may be awarded to honor a Regular Member by a vote of the membership for outstanding or meritorious service to Lubbock Gem & Mineral Society or associated regional or national societies.  Recipients shall have all rights and privileges of regular membership for their lifetime and shall pay no dues.


Section 3.
To become a member of this Society, a person must be willing to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, and Articles of Incorporation of the Society.


Section 4.
Voting privileges shall be confined to Regular and Honorary Members.



Article IV   Officers, Directors, and Appointees

Section 1.
The elective officers of the Society shall be:

Vice President



Assistant Secretary/Treasurer if desired.


Section 2.
The office of Secretary and or Treasurer may be combined under one office known as Secretary/Treasurer.


Section 3.
The Board of Directors of the Society and their terms of office shall he:


Description                               Term of Office

Immediate Past President

President                                                      1 year

Vice President                                               1 year

Secretary                                                      1 year

Treasurer                                                      1 year

Director-At-Large                                           2 years

Director-At-Large                                           2 years

Director-At-Large                                           2 years

Director-At-Large                                           2 years


Membership Chairperson                                1 year

Club Workshop Chairperson                            1 year

Show Chairperson                                         1 year
Newsletter Editor                                          1 year

Field Trip Chairperson                                    1 year

Section 4.
If the offices of Secretary and Treasurer are a combined office, there will be one less member or thirteen [13] Board Members. 


Section 5.
If any elective Board position shall become vacant, an additional Director-At-Large shall be elected.  If any appointive Board position shall become vacant, the President shall appoint a member replacement to that position, and this appointment shall be ratified at the next regular Society meeting.  If a majority of Members present at the meeting disapprove of the appointment, then the membership present shall nominate and elect a member to fill the position. Either elective or appointive, the new Board Member shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. 


Section 6.
Directors-At-Large shall be elected on alternate years, with two [2] being elected each year.


Section 7.
The President-elect, prior to the regular January meeting, shall appoint a Newsletter Editor, Membership Chairperson, Club Workshop Chairperson, Show Chairperson, and Field Trip Chairperson.  If possible, these appointments shall be listed in the Society Newsletter prior to the January meeting.  At the January meeting, the Society shall ratify these appointments. If a majority of the membership present at the January meeting disapproves of any of the appointments, then the membership shall nominate and elect members to fill those positions.  Any of these positions may be a continuing appointment.



Article V   Meetings

Section 1.
There shall be one regular Society Meeting on the first Tuesday of each month.


Section 2.
The Board of Directors shall meet once a month. The time and place shall be at the discretion of the President or the Vice President acting on behalf of the President.


Section 3.
Special meetings of the Society may be called by the President or on a petition of five (5) members and a board member.


Section 4.
Committee meetings shall be subject to call by the respective Chairperson.


Section 5.
A quorum for regular and special Society meetings shall consist of a simple majority of the total voting membership present, provided that either the President, Vice President, or most recent Past President shall be present.  No absentee or proxy votes shall be recognized at any Society meeting. One must be present at the meeting to vote.


Section 6.
A quorum for the Board of Directors meetings shall consist of a minimum of five (5) voting Board Members, provided that either the President, Vice President, or the most recent Past President shall be present.


Section 7.
In situations of urgency or in order to conduct Society business in a timely manner, the President or Vice President acting on behalf of the President may conduct a vote by telephone or
email poll(s) of the voting members of the Board of Directors.  The business conducted and a tabulation of the Directors' votes shall be presented at the next regular Board Meeting and included in the minutes of that meeting.



Article VI   Inurement

No part of the funds of the Society shall be inured to the benefit of any private individual or member.


Article VII   Termination of the Society

The termination of the Society shall be upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, which will be presented at two (2) consecutive Regular Meetings of the Society and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present at the second meeting.   The financial assets of the Society, after satisfaction of outstanding obligations, shall be donated to a recognized non-profit organization that actively pursues the original purpose(s) of the Society.  It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to notify the appropriate agencies of the State of Texas and the United States that the Society ceases to exist.  The Board of Directors may, in a responsible manner, dispose of real assets or convert them into financial assets.   Any funds generated shall be combined with and disposed of with the financial assets.  All records of the Society shall be donated to the Southwest Collection at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.

Article VIII   Amendments

A proposed amendment to the Constitution must be presented to the Society at a regular meeting.  The amendment notice shall be published in the newsletter prior to the next regular meeting.  The amendment must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members, a quorum being present per Article V, Section 5 of the Constitution.


BYLAWS    Amended 11/02/2021

Article I. Duties of Officers, Directors, and Chairpersons

Section 1.
President shall call and preside over meetings and shall supervise the activities of the Society. He or She shall have the power to appoint all appointive officers and standing committees with the approval of the Society. He or She also shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.


Section 2.
Vice President shall preside at meetings and shall supervise the activities of the Society in the absence of the President.  He or She also shall serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee, which he or she may appoint additional members to assist in obtaining programs for the Society meetings.


Section 3.
Secretary shall be the custodian of all papers and permanent records of the Society and shall maintain the Member List.  The Secretary shall keep a complete up-to-date record of the meetings of the Society. If, for any reason, the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting, he or she shall notify the President and/or Vice President to that effect and make arrangements for the minutes of the meeting to be recorded. 


Section 4.
Treasurer shall collect all monies due the Society and issue receipts to Payee’s and shall pay all bills upon the order of the Society.  The Treasurer shall keep records of financial accounts in the name of the Society and shall make a quarterly and annual report concerning the Society’s financial assets.


Section 5.
Directors shall serve as members of the Board of Directors. They shall have general overall supervision of the activities of the Society. The actions of the Directors may be subject to the approval of the voting membership.


Section 6.
Field Trip Chairperson shall plan, locate places and conduct field trips. The Chairperson shall secure permission from the owner to enter private property and shall be responsible for securing a liability release from each person participating in the field trip.


Section 7.
Membership Chairperson shall offer special assistance to new members. 


Section  8.
Club Workshop Chairperson shall have responsibility for the overall supervision of the club workshop and the associated storage building(s) and has the authority to revoke the privilege to use these facilities.  An Assumption of Risk of Liability release shall be obtained from each person before their first use of the equipment at the club workshop. The liability release will be considered continuously in force. The chairperson, with assistance from his committee, shall be responsible for training members in the proper use of all club equipment and will develop a procedure to systematically approve members’ use of the club equipment. The chairperson will either take on the role of Shop Steward or appoint a Shop Steward that will be responsible for the supervision of every piece of equipment every time the workshop is open for use. The chairperson is authorized to spend up to $200 to maintain tools and equipment; larger amounts require a vote of the Board.


Section 9.
Show Chairperson shall be responsible for and have the authority necessary for the overall management, including the selection of the Show Committee of the Society’s Annual Show and other Society-sponsored local exhibitions.  The Show Chairman shall be responsible for obtaining and coordinating the transportation and setup of Lubbock Gem & Mineral Society exhibits at other Gem & Mineral regional shows.


Section 10.
Immediate Past President (or most recent Past President) may conduct a Board of Directors Meeting in the absences of both the President and the Vice President.  (Per Article IV, Section 6 of the Constitution).


Section 11.
Incoming President shall appoint a three-person Audit Committee.



Article II   Officers; Nomination, Election, Appointment, and Succession

Section 1.
At the September meeting, the
President shall appoint a nominating committee composed of three voting members. This committee’s report shall be published in the Society newsletter issued prior to the November meeting or be distributed via electronic communication no less than two (2) weeks before the election. This committee shall report at the November meeting, at which time nominations may also be made from the floor.  An election of the nominees should be conducted at the November meeting.  These officers and directors shall be installed at the next January meeting and shall serve until the following January meeting.


Section 2.
Absences of Elected and Appointed Officers: 

If an elected officer or director misses more than three (3) consecutive Board of Directors Meetings, he or she may be removed from the position on the board, and the vacant position shall be filled according to the manner prescribed in Article IV, Section 5. of the Constitution. If an appointed officer or director misses more than three (3) consecutive Board of Directors Meetings, he or she may be removed from the position on the board, and the vacant position shall be filled at the discretion of the President according to the manner prescribed in Article IV, Section 5 of the Constitution.


Section 3.
An elective officer or director may succeed him/herself in office if elected by the Society.



Article III   Dues

Section 1.
Membership dues are accessed one time per year on the anniversary date of the member.

Section 2.
Regular Members shall pay $20.00 each per year for membership dues. The dues shall include dues to the South Central Federation of Mineral Societies, Inc.

Section 3.
Student members up to and including age 15 shall pay $5.00
per year for membership dues. Student members up to and including age 15 must have parental or guardian supervision at all Society functions. Student members over 15 years of age shall pay $10.00 per year for membership dues. The dues shall include dues to the South Central Federation of Mineral Societies, Inc.

Section 4.
Optional Family Membership: Any number of Family members of the same household shall pay $40.00 total. The dues shall include dues to the South Central Federation of Mineral Societies, Inc.

Section 5.
A Member who has not paid dues by their due date shall be notified individually by the Secretary, coordinated with the Treasurer, that he or she is delinquent. If dues are not paid within one month of notification in writing, the member shall be dropped from the membership roll. A current member list will be maintained on the member-only side of the website.


Article IV   Standing Committees or Appointed Positions [as needed basis]

Section 1.
Audit Committee shall audit the financial transactions and records of the Society (including an inventory of fixed assets) during the month of January and report in a timely manner their findings to the Board of Directors.

Section 2.
Awards Committee shall consider recognition of deserving members.


Section 3.
Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall present any recommended changes to the Constitution and/or Bylaws, if necessary, to the Board of Directors when changes are recommended.


Section 4.
Entertainment Committee shall arrange and handle all entertainment activities for the Society.


Section 5.
Historian shall compile and maintain the history of the Society.


Section 6.
Club Workshop Committee, under the direction of the Club Workshop Chairperson, shall maintain a record of Members using the club workshop and the status of their liability waivers.  This committee shall also service and maintain the equipment at the workshop.


Section 7.
Newsletter Editor shall prepare, publish and distribute a society newsletter.


Section 8.
Nominating Committee shall perform as stated in Article II, Section 1 of the Bylaws.


Section 9.
Photographer shall be appointed by the President and shall record, pictorially, events of the Society.  The Photographer may collect photographs from other members giving them credit.


Section 10.
Program Committee, under the direction of the Vice President, shall provide for a minimum of ten programs for the Society's monthly meetings.                               


Section 11.
Publicity Committee shall obtain publicity for monthly Society activities.


Section 12.
Show Committee shall perform as stated in Article I, Section 9 of the Bylaws.

Section 13.
The Web Master shall maintain the Society website with current information.


Section 14.
The Building and Education Committee shall maintain the signature authority of the Fund under the direction of the Board of Directors. The committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, the President, and the Treasurer and shall have the authority to continue to review the investments as necessary, move the funds to other investments as necessary and continue to maintain an investment portfolio.


Article V   Scholarships

Section 1.
The Society has an agreement with Texas Tech University to support a Scholarship for a student in the Earth Sciences. A permanent endowment has been established with the Office of Development of the University for the purpose, and the terms of the agreement are preserved in the permanent papers of the Society. Other Scholarships may be provided as deemed appropriate by the Society and funded from the Scholarship Funds.


Section 2.
The Society may support financially the regional and national federations with funds as designated by the Society.


Article VI   Building and Educational Fund

The Society shall maintain and support a building and educational fund. It shall be supported by contributions and/or other funds as designated by the Society. One such use shall be to maintain the club Workshop.


Article VII   Insurance

The Society shall participate in the South Central Federation of Mineral Societies, Inc. insurance policy program.

Article VIII   Order of Business

Section 1.
The Order of Business for a regular Society meeting shall be as follows:

Call to Order

Introduction of visitors and new members

Presentation of the program.

Break for Refreshments, Rock Raffle, Jewelry And Lapidary Forum(J.A.L.A.F.), and Show and Tell.

Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting of the Society and of the Board of Directors as published in the newsletter.
The Treasurer’s report may be presented.

Reports of Officers.

Reports of Committee Chairpersons.

Unfinished (old) business.
New business.



Section 2.
This order of business may be modified by the presiding officer.


Article IX   Regulations

Section 1.
The Society will not be responsible for any indebtedness incurred by any member in the name of the Society without authorization by the Board of Directors.


Section 2.
The Society will assume no responsibility for any personal injury, equipment loss or damage to any vehicle incurred during any Society event.  Any person who participates in an event sponsored by the Society does so at his or her own risk. An Assumption of Risk of Liability release shall be obtained from each person when joining the Society. The liability release will be considered continuously in force. 


Section 3.
Each member of the Society may be allowed to invite guests to Society events. Minor children may be allowed to attend Society events with parental or guardian supervision.


Section 4.
Donations or gifts may be approved for acceptance for the benefit of the Society by the Board of Directors.  Any donations or unusual expenditures by or on behalf of the Society shall have the approval of the Board of Directors.


Section 5.
The President may appoint a Constitution and Bylaws Committee to update the Constitution and/or Bylaws documents.


Section 6.
The Secretary shall make available a copy of these documents to any member as requested.


Article X   Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a regular meeting, a quorum being present per Article V, Section 5 of the Constitution.

The LGMS meets at 3007 33rd Street, Lubbock Texas
on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

The LGMS Junior Rockhounds meet at the Wolfforth Library,
508 East US-62, Wolfforth, TX 79382, on the second Monday of each month at 6 pm.

Membership is open to all interested parties.
Visitors are always welcome!